Reports of bicycle tours

The reports are submitted by other people. For my own tours see home page. Most texts are in Lithuanian language. You may contact the authors for comments. Please ask them to send copies of comments to me. I will publish them.

Mail suggestions through the main page. See at the end there.

Iran. September 2007.

Kelionė Irane buvo labai puiki.
Žmonės labai nuostabus. Gaila Lietuvoje tokiu nedaug!
Islamas atrodo tikrai nebloga religija. Per visą kelionę (3 savaites) neteko matyti girto žmogaus ar bent "su kvapeliu".
Keletą kartų nakvojome miesto parke palapinėse. Sunku įsivaizduot tokį dalyką Lietuvoje.
Žygio sumanytojas ir vadas: Darius.
(Neberasi jo adreso tarp nuotraukų.)

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Translation. Comment by Vytenis:
Trip around Iran was good.
Wonderful people. Pity, Lithuania lacks such!
Islam seems to be not bad religion. Throughout entire trip of 3 weeks never saw a drunk, or at least with a "waft".
Several times slept a night in a park of a town, in tents. - Unimaginable feat in Lithuania.
Inventor and leader of the tour: Darius. (His address is no longer among the photos.)

The site is about tours by a club of Vilnius University. - Members and participants are not necessarily students. They may be former students, teachers, or strangers.
I provide a link to photographs only from 1 trip, because I have the comment about it above.
There you find other trips as well. No comments.

Velo Uostas
France. Spain. Germany. Holland. Belgium. Accounts by different people.
Beside the main page there exists a "forum" on the same topic. It mainly concerns sustenance.
Page founded on March 9, 2008.
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